DOing BEing Rest And Wholeheartedness

The poet David Whyte tells of a conversation with his mentor:
Mentor: David, the antidote to exhaustion is not rest.
Whyte: What do you mean the antidote to exhaustion is not rest?
Mentor: The antidote to exhaustion is wholeheartedness.

There are so many of us who run ourselves so frantically that we are exhausted, and we say, ‘If only I could get some rest.’ What if rest is not what we need? What if it is not about rest but about wholeheartedness?

We see it as a matter of DOing vs. BEing. What if there isn’t a versus? What if we could create BEing inside of all of our DOing, create wholeheartedness within all of our DOing? Maybe the antidote to all of our DOing is simply to BE in the NOW, in the MOMENT with each of our DOing activities? What if all of our DOing could be with wholeheartedness?