Don’t Worry #3: Accept the Worst Case Scenario

In this 3rd segment regarding how to stop worrying, I pull some key points from “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” by Dale Carnegie.  The 3rd key is simple: Accept the worst case scenario.

“Step 1. I analyzed the situation fearlessly and honestly and figured out what was the worst that could possibly happen as a result of this failure.”

“Step 2. After figuring out what was the worst that could possibly happen, I reconciled myself to accepting it, if necessary…After discovering the worst that could possibly happen and reconciling myself to accepting it, if necessary, an extremely important thing happened: I immediately relaxed and felt a sense of peace that I hadn’t experienced in days. ”

“Step 3. From that time on, I calmly devoted my time and energy to trying to improve upon the worst which I had already accepted mentally.”
“I probably would never have been able to do this if I had kept on worrying, because one of the worst features about worrying is that it destroys our ability to concentrate. When we worry, our minds jump here and there and everywhere, and we lose all power of decision. However, when we force ourselves to face the worst and accept it mentally, we then eliminate all those vague imaginings and put ourselves in a position in which we are able to concentrate on our problem.”

“The same idea was expressed by Lin Yutang in his widely read book, The Importance of Living. “True peace of mind,” said this Chinese philosopher, “comes from accepting the worst. Psychologically, I think, it means a release of energy.” That’s it, exactly! Psychologically, it means a new release of energy! When we have accepted the worst, we have nothing more to lose. And that automatically means we have everything to gain!”

“If you have a worry problem, apply the magic formula of Willis H. Carrier by doing these three things: 1. Ask yourself,’ ‘What is the worst that can possibly happen?” 2. Prepare to accept it if you have to. 3. Then calmly proceed to improve on the worst.”

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2 thoughts on “Don’t Worry #3: Accept the Worst Case Scenario

  1. This exact same topic has put me out of my misery that I’ve had for 2 months now. Oh my God. I’ve been endlessly for two months every day,hour, minute, without fail worrying about this certain topic that might have drove me nuts with time if I carried on with this thought pattern, and today I just said okay, if the worst does happen I will be okay with it, and about a second later I released all this worry and fear by just accepting the worst all of it just all vanished. Its amazing! And straight after I started coming up with great solutions that actually make the problem 100 times better! God is always on the look out for its creation, and I am truly truly blessed by getting insight to this. It does work! I literally want to cry right now at how much benefit this has just given me!

  2. I am flying today… and these words *perfectly* encapsulate my thinking today. I struggle with agoraphobia and fears… and doing this *exact* thing — knowing that God is with me regardless of what that worst case scenario is — has helped me tremendously.

    Like my husband says: What is the worst that can happen?

    And if Jesus is with me in that — what is there to fear?

    God used you in my life today…
    Thank you…

    All’s grace,

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