FEED the Poor: Oxfam Hunger Banquet

Have you heard of an Oxfam Hunger Banquet?  According to a Christian brother of mine:  “Basically, you hold a “banquet” where the attendees are randomly assigned a meal based proportionate to how the entire world eats. So out of 100 people, 2 might have an amazing feast on white table cloth, 10 might have a basic meal at a table, 50 might have beans and rice on the floor with no utensils, 20 might get scraps, and the rest get nothing.  Kinda makes the “lucky” 2 choke on their lobster!”
I recently learned that 80% of the world’s population lives on 10$/day or less!  This sobering stat has not left my thoughts in weeks; it has helped me to gain a better perspective on life.  Oxfamamerica is an organization that is working to solve the hunger problem one step at a time.