If you had ONE word to describe Jesus what would it be?

During this CRAZY financial time, this is a GREAT message from my friend Bill’s newsletter:

One Word

Christian Soul Care Devotional

Bill Gaultiere

Some time ago I was meeting with Dallas Willard and in the course of our conversation he asked me, “If you had one word to describe Jesus what would it be?”

How would you answer that question?  Close your eyes for a moment and consider this.  Write down the first words that come to mind. If you could only use one word to describe Jesus what would it be?

Have you stopped reading this devotional so you can give your own answer?!  Go ahead take a moment now….

Jesus is the Word of all words!   His is the name above all names.  He is so magnificent and multi-faceted how could we pin him down to just one word!  And yet, I found this to be a very meaningful exercise.  The words we pick and the ones we don’t pick may have something to say about our relationship with him.

Here are the words I thought of…  Jesus is… Love… Holy… Lord… Teacher… Risen… Healer…  (These areall good words to describe Jesus.)

Then Dallas looked into my eyes and shared with me his word.  You need to know that this was a special moment for me.  He’s my key mentor.  I’ve read every book he’s written more than once.  I’ve listened (many times) to every audio teaching series of his I can find.  In the last six years he has discipled me to Jesus in ways that have impacted all that I am and everything that I do as a Christian, husband, father, friend, psychologist, minister, writer…

What one word would Dallas Willard use to describe Jesus?  “Relaxed.”


I would have never thought of that word!  But ever since that conversation I haven’t been able to stop thinking about Jesus being relaxed.  

Think about it.  Jesus had far and away the most important and dangerous mission that any human being has ever had or ever will have.  He had to wait 18 years to begin working on his calling and then he had just three years of public ministry to fulfill it.  And yet Jesus was relaxed!

Jesus needed to convince a large number people that although he was merely a man he was also the unique Son of God.  And his followers needed to be so confident in him as their Lord and Savior that they would give their lives to lead other people to know him – even to the point of torture and death. And yet Jesus was relaxed! 

Jesus could only be in one location at a time.  And when he left one city to go to another he left behind people that hadn’t been healed or discipled (Matthew 13:58).  Most people – even his own family at first – rejected him and his message (Luke 4:28-30, Mark 3:20, 31-34).  Many of the people he discipled deserted him (John 6:66).  And even his faithful disciples didn’t understand who he was until after he rose from the dead (Mark 8:31-33)!  And yet Jesus was relaxed!

The fate of all humankind – past, present, and future – depended on Jesus successfully completing his gospel mission!  And yet Jesus remained relaxed! 

When I have big responsibilities I start to feel overwhelmed… When I am stressed by situations anxious feelings rise up within me… When I am criticized or rejected I am tempted to react by feeling bad about myself or getting angry… When I have lots to do I tend to hurry… 

How did Jesus remain at peace when he was under pressures much, much harder than I face?  He practiced what he preached!  He lived in the same “easy yoke” that he offers to us.  Jesus was the first disciple: he apprenticed himself to the Father, learning to live out the things he would later teach (think of Jesus’ 18 hidden years from ages 12 to 30 as his discipleship training program). 

Our sinless Lord “grew” (Luke 2:52); he “learned” (Hebrews 5:8) how to…

·        Maintain moment-by-moment submission to God’s will, never saying or doing anything except as the Father directed him (John 6:38, 12:50). 

·        Pray without ceasing (John 11:42, 1 Thessalonians 5:17)

·        Be so dependent upon the Holy Spirit as to be filled with his presence and power without limit (John 3:34).

·        Bless those that cursed him (Luke 22:34). 

In my discipleship to Jesus I am learning how to follow his example and walk with him in his “easy yoke,” his “unforced rhythms of grace” (Matthew 11:28, MSG).  And so more and more I too am relaxed!

If Kristi or I can offer you counseling or spiritual direction call us at 949-262-3699.