Men’s Group: Abide in Him, March 4, 2009

Thanks to Dave for this brief summary:

When Jesus said,  “remain in me and I will remain in you,” He was saying, continue/stay with me and I will continue/stay with you.  Jesus is there waiting for us, but we must first remain in Him.  One of our questions last Wednesday asked how Jesus provides a way for us to stay with Him in true love.  Can you think of any ways He does this?  Our table came up with prayer/alone time with Him as the number one answer.  It’s been said before, the ONLY way to stay in relationship with someone is to talk to them; spend time with them. That goes for our relationship with God, too.  He already knows us; in order for us to get to know Him, we must talk with and LISTEN to Him on a daily basis.  The only way we can truly love like Jesus is by pursuing Him.  Bucky opened last Wednesday with a great story; it was about him practicing basketball and falling on the court.  His Dad saw Bucky fall, went out and picked him up, and said to his crying son, “Bucky, you have been trying really hard.  If you keep training like that you will be an All American one day.”  Bucky told us those tears vanished instantly because Bucky knew his Dad believed in him.  And, this story serves as a reminder that God believes in us. Bucky made it a point to reinforce what Bill Gaultiere used to always tell us in Guide Group.  That is it isn’t about trying, it is about training.  Abiding in Christ trains our hearts to become more like Him.  We can never be Jesus, but we can train with Him.