Men’s Group: Session 1-What is YOUR game plan?

The theme for this session was–what has your past taught you and what is your plan for the future?

Monte did a GREAT job of sharing from his heart and reminding us to learn from our past but not to dwell on it. We took out our driver’s license and looked at the expiration date. We discussed our hopes, dreams, predictions for our lives from now until the expiration date on our license.

So much of my life is spent thinking of the ‘if only’s”…or the could have, would have, should have’s…I can find myself sleepless, restless, and fixated on a past pain or regret. I have to shut down that memory tract. It is NOT healthy. I have to capture the lesson, and MOVE ON! I have learned from my past that much of who I am and the things that make me mad are related to my family of origin. I carry a ‘not enough’ wound (more on that in a later post) that causes a deep sensitivity to criticism–especially from my wife. The beauty is knowing this! It has helped immensely to shorten our arguments re: I can see the wound and laugh at how crazy I am to be so sensitive.

My future. I used to be a big planner, but from recent, very painful experiences, I have realized that the future is God’s. Any control of the future that I might have is illusory. So I live each day for the gift that it is being NOW HERE rather than NOWHERE.