Men’s Topic #3: 3 Attacks on our Identity as men

Bucky taught us from Matthew 4:1-11.  Jesus prepared Himself for his encounter with satan by fasting for 40 days and nights! We lose sight of the fact that ‘fasting IS feasting’ on God and His word.  Fasting and prayer and meditation on His word doesn’t weaken us but strengthens us for battle.

There are 3 temptations/3 attacks that the world and satan use to attack our identity:

  1. performance trap: world tries to convince us that our identity is linked to our performance
  2. control trap: world tries to convince us that our identity is linked to how much power/control we have
  3. worldly possession trap: world tries to convince us that we are what we own
What is the cure for this pack of lies, attacks, temptations?
  1. Our identity DOES NOT come from what we do but who we are to God.  We are His beloved!
  2. Our identity DOES NOT come from our power and control but our job is to submit and put our trust in God.  We must give over our control to God.
  3. Our identity DOES NOT come from our stuff.  We are NOT what we own!
note: we also talked about how the world and satan love to isolate men.  Being in community, in fellowship with other men is essential!
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