Men’s Topic #4: Servanthood

Please enjoy this audio of Bucky’s teaching about servanthood and here is Dave’s summary:

Please take a few minutes and re-read John 13.  Then use your remaining time to reflect on what we learned from each other today:

  1. Verse 1 says, “…he showed them the full extent of his love.”  Love always gives itself away for the benefit of another. 
  2. You must receive service (from God and others) before you can serve others.  You cannot give what you have not received.  Bucky gave us a few great personal examples that would take up too much space here (if you’d like to know ask Bucky or someone that attended on Wednesday).  God serves us by His grace in allowing us to enter into a relationship with Him now, as we are.  We must spend time with God to further that relationship. No relationship lasts if time isn’t spent with the other person in the relationship.  God is no different – if we want to know Him better, we must make time for Him. 
  3. As usual, Jesus led by example.  He did not ask His disciples to do anything He hadn’t already done.  And, of course, it was done in complete humility. Humility is the absence of pride. 

Can you see the correlation between our teacher and the disciples’ Teacher? Bucky leads by personal example with humility.  That is why we all love and respect Bucky.  He is transparent; he is not afraid to make his life an open book.  We don’t see Bucky as “Super Pastor,” but as one of us.   Well, Jesus desires that same love and respect from us.  It just takes time guys; are you ready to give it?

Share what you learned this week with a friend, co-worker, neighbor or family member.  When they see you lead with humility they will want what you have.