Story Boards, Saboteurs, & Minority Report

Does anyone remember the movie Minority Report?  There are several scenes in the movie that show a huge computer screen that you can control with your hands, taking things on and off the screen with your finger tips.  It reminds me of a story board.

Each of our lives is a story board.  Most of us play several movies/stories in our minds at any one time.  But just imagine if we could see our lives on a story board in front of us.

Now add the concept of a saboteur or saboteurs to the story board.  We all have a little voice or several that play in our head all day long–whispering things like “you can’t do that” “you are not enough” “you will fail at that” “you really shouldn’t do that” etc.

The key to ‘turning off’ these saboteur voices is to first recognize them and the false statements that they are telling you.  The second step is to move them from the center of your story board.  Recognize the saboteur and then simply, gently take your hand and move it from the center of your story board.  Our saboteur(s) never leave us so fighting with them is not helpful, but keeping them our of the lime light of our main stage story board will have powerful rewards.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

One thought on “Story Boards, Saboteurs, & Minority Report

  1. i love this example! It’s the movie of our lives! This is also what directors do before shooting movies. I think it is a great idea for us to draw the storyboard of how we get from where we are now to where our Future Self is — what are the obstacles and challenges that get in the way and where do our saboteurs pop up? I see it looking kind of like those old Classic Comic books — a nice alternative to a list of goals.

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