Men’s Topic #10: Intimacy is BETTER than Sex

We had a GREAT time today listening and learning how to be a Christ like lover to our wives.  We are called to love her–sacrafically and unconditionally–as Christ loved us.  We discussed love languages, knowing your family of origin baggage allows healing and enlightenment into present struggles, and Drew’s ‘top 10’ marriage tips. Here is the outline and discussion questions.

Miracles and Healings #2

In part 2 of Miracles and Healing we listen to my friend’s insights to why we don’t see miracles and healing.  We as American Protestants have become anti-supernatural!

In the first segment, he pointed out a theological reason for the resistance to Miracles and Healing in the U.S.  In this segment, he discusses the reason why historically we as American Christians don’t believe or embrace miracles and healing ministry.

I have entitled this segment:  Why do we not see Miracles and Healing?

We want to hear from YOU! What do YOU think about all this stuff? PLEASE share with us your thoughts/comments on this topic.

Miracles and Healings #1: Why don’t we and Why should we?

I had the pleasure to have a meal with an old friend who has broken from the traditional approach to missionary work abroad and has embraced the Acts church model of miracles and healings.  It is amazing to listen to his wisdom and insights.  I have interviewed him in a 4 part series for you.  This first segment of the interview is his answer to my question: What do I need to do to grow in embracing miracles and healings ministry?

In this segment, he discusses the reason why theologically we as American Protestant Christians don’t believe or embrace miracles and healing ministry.  He points out that God’s will is ALWAYS GOOD and ALWAYS wanting the sick and lame to be HEALED, but God’s will is not always accomplished through us.    We get, yet another, glimpse into what it means to usher into this dark world the Kingdom of God.  As my friend is fond of saying: “Where the Kingdom of God is Cancer isn’t.”

I have entitled this segment: Should we be trying to perform miracles and healings?

As many of you know, I am a skeptic so I delve into this realm with a mega-dose of skepticism, but knowing my friend who was born and raised down the street from me in the same western mind set on this subject and hearing his wisdom and his own healthy skepticism, I am warming up to this AMAZING ministry!

We want to hear from YOU! What do YOU think about all this stuff? PLEASE share with us your thoughts/comments on his topic.