Part 1: Signs and Wonders in the Digital Age

Westernized Christianity can seem dull, and most of the time, Christians don’t appear any different than their non-believing counter parts.

My friend in the Middle East visited again this summer to super charge and challenge my thoughts on signs and wonders.  The Bible is filled with supernatural signs and wonders.  The western world teaches that these were only for the time ‘back then’ or explains these events away by claiming that people ‘back then’ were very naive.  These miracles never actually happened, were fancy analogies/examples of key teaching principles, or misunderstood by superstitious people back in the past.

What if these signs and wonders could be seen today?

This is the 1st of 3 sermons given by my friend from the Middle East.  I would love to know what you think….

Do Miracles Happen?

My friend in the Middle East has transformed his outreach to non-Christians by adopting the Acts/early church model of outreach:  He prays for people and they are healed.  The New Testament is FILLED with miracles, exorcisms, and other bizarre supernatural events that challenge our western, modern, scientific minds.  Here is a video clip of a miracle.  Is this real? What do you think? More to follow…

Near Death Experience #1: Cardiac Arrest while Awake?

Listen and enjoy and share with us your thoughts about this amazing medical case.  I have NEVER seen anything like it in my career and neither has anyone that I know in medicine.

This is a story of a patient that I cared for whose heart stopped beating but continued intermittently to respond to us as we tried to get his heart to start beating again.

The term N.D.E. (Near Death Experiences) is somewhat of a misnomer.  A truly N.D.E. is when a patient is declared brain dead and comes back to tell of their experiences.  This is a case of a N.D.E. in which the patient was not declared brain dead but was clinically dead-no heart beat.

BTW-A GREAT book on the topic of N.D.E. and the notion of humans having a brain and a mind–being material and immaterial–also known as substance dualism is Beyond Death by J.P. Moreland and Gary Habermas.

Near Death Experience #1: Nurses perspective

Listen and enjoy and share with us your thoughts about this amazing medical case.  I have NEVER seen anything like it in my career and neither has anyone that I know in medicine.  Listen to the nurses and their perspective of the case.

This is a story of a patient that I cared for whose heart stopped beating but continued intermittently to respond to us as we tried to get his heart to start beating again.

Miracles and Healings AMAZING Stories

Ever since the 1st Century church emerged and their miracle and healing stories were documented in the book of Acts et al, the church has been filled with such stories.  There has been a ground swell in Christianity to focus again on the early Church model of miracles and healings.  What are your thoughts about this?  JP Moreland in his wonderful book, The Kingdom Triangle, points out and discusses this epidemic of miracles and healings occurring worldwide in Christianity noting that American Christianity continues to fall behind in this resurgence of the early Church model of Christianity.

We have been posting interviews and stories regarding miracles and healings as well.  The posts have been generated by a missionary friend who has experienced these miracles and healings first hand.  He has shifted his ministry from the traditional evangelical Christian model of the last 50 years to a miracle and healing ministry, and he has seen incredible things.  This is yet another audio clip of such miracles and healings from a mentor of his.

This brief audio clip is from Pastor Bill Johnson at Bethel Church in Redding, CA.  He tells numerous stories of miracles and healings.  

Do you believe it? What do you think?  Please click on the title of this post and then scroll down to leave your comments.

An Encounter with God

The Christians in the miracles and healing and spiritual gifts movements call it an encounter with God…I am wondering what in the world that is and means!  My friend, who you have listened to regarding miracles and healings, invites me to come to his last teaching engagement of the summer before he goes back to the mission field.  At the end of the service, I am watching him laying hands on people for healing etc.  There is a very strange woman rocking back and forth and waving her hands in the corner of the church.  This woman later walks up to me with her friend and asks to pray for me…as she is praying she is humming and talking jibberish aka speaking in tongues? but the English that she is speaking/praying out loud is about what God has put on her heart to share with me–God tells her-through prayer-things about me and my family that ONLY God could know! WOW!  What can a skeptic like me say to this?!!  The Christians who walk in these circles call it ‘getting your mail read’ when someone prays for you and speaks things that ONLY God could know about you.

What do you think?

Miracles and Healings #4

In this 4th and final interview with my missionary friend who lives in the middle east, we hear some insights on ‘how to’ do healings and miracles.  We also learn to ask ‘what do I expect?’  Can we train our mind and heart to expect the supernatural? And what does it take to do miracles and healings?

I came across this fascinating dialogue between the main character, Mack, and God in the parable story entitled “The Shack”:

“But what about all the miracles? The healings?…Doesn’t that prove that Jesus was God–you know, more than human?”

“No, it proves that Jesus is truly human….Although he is also fully God, he has never drawn upon his nature as God to do anything.  He has only lived out of his relationship with [God the Father], living in the very same manner that I desire to be in relationship with every human being…”

“So, when he healed the blind?”

“He did so as a dependent, limited human being trusting in [God’s] life and power to be at work within him and through him.  Jesus, as a human being, had no power within himself to heal anyone.”–excerpt from The Shack, pg 99-100

If this is true, then we should also see healings and miracles as we trust in HIM?!

What do you think???

Miracles and Healings #3

So what is the big deal about healing? Isn’t the point of healing and miracles to lead people to salvation? Yes it is a way to lead people to salvation, but healing and miracles are showing God’s LOVE and communicating God’s LOVE to those in need.  What better way to show God’s LOVE than to healing someone from their illness?

Miracles and Healings #2

In part 2 of Miracles and Healing we listen to my friend’s insights to why we don’t see miracles and healing.  We as American Protestants have become anti-supernatural!

In the first segment, he pointed out a theological reason for the resistance to Miracles and Healing in the U.S.  In this segment, he discusses the reason why historically we as American Christians don’t believe or embrace miracles and healing ministry.

I have entitled this segment:  Why do we not see Miracles and Healing?

We want to hear from YOU! What do YOU think about all this stuff? PLEASE share with us your thoughts/comments on this topic.

Miracles and Healings #1: Why don’t we and Why should we?

I had the pleasure to have a meal with an old friend who has broken from the traditional approach to missionary work abroad and has embraced the Acts church model of miracles and healings.  It is amazing to listen to his wisdom and insights.  I have interviewed him in a 4 part series for you.  This first segment of the interview is his answer to my question: What do I need to do to grow in embracing miracles and healings ministry?

In this segment, he discusses the reason why theologically we as American Protestant Christians don’t believe or embrace miracles and healing ministry.  He points out that God’s will is ALWAYS GOOD and ALWAYS wanting the sick and lame to be HEALED, but God’s will is not always accomplished through us.    We get, yet another, glimpse into what it means to usher into this dark world the Kingdom of God.  As my friend is fond of saying: “Where the Kingdom of God is Cancer isn’t.”

I have entitled this segment: Should we be trying to perform miracles and healings?

As many of you know, I am a skeptic so I delve into this realm with a mega-dose of skepticism, but knowing my friend who was born and raised down the street from me in the same western mind set on this subject and hearing his wisdom and his own healthy skepticism, I am warming up to this AMAZING ministry!

We want to hear from YOU! What do YOU think about all this stuff? PLEASE share with us your thoughts/comments on his topic.