The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

The church in America would do well to take lessons from the church throughout the world that is exploding with prayer.  A missionary friend of mine has seen an explosion of miracles and healings (more on that to follow).

These quotes challenge and empower me to ‘pray without ceasing’:

“… prayer is powerful… in fact, it is probably much more powerful
than you and I have ever imagined. The reason we aren’t convinced of
the fact is that we usually fail to pray, consistently, intensely, and
strategically…”-Chip Ingram
“… If you’ve ever wondered what your missing in the Christian life,
look here first. A commitment to intercessory prayer changes lives.
If you want to know who the most influential people in the world are?
When we think of power, we usually first think about presidents and
business moguls or cultural icons like movie stars and sports figures.
But in God’s economy, those people have very little influence. S.D.
Gordon words it well: the great people of the earth today are people
who pray…”-Chip Ingram

Prayer as an aggressive act?

Prayer as an aggressive act?

“Violence and love are not contradictory…[we] must learn of
Calvary’s power. Love. And,[we] must also learn Calvary’s price.
Violence.”-Jack HayfordChist’s sacifice was a violent act of love.

From the time of John the Baptizer until now, the kingdom of heaven
has been forcefully advancing, and forceful people have been seizing
it. (Mat 11:12 GW)

This continues to be a strange and new concept for me. I have always
seen prayer as a passive, afterthought. But prayer, like Christ’s
sacrifice for us, is an aggressive act against the evil and darkness
of this world that wants to steal our hearts.

What is PRAYER?

What is prayer?

Prayer is SO much and there are so MANY ways to pray….but here is a
brief list of what prayer is about…
1. Time with God
“…Prayer is a window into knowing the mind of God, whose kingdom is
entrusted to all of us frail, selfish people on earth.”-Philip Yancey
2. Praise to God: Thank Him for all the blessings in your life…
2. Requests to God: ASK Him, SEEK Him
3. Partnership with God
“…Prayer is our chance to join forces with God’s power to confront
suffering and evil head-on.”-Philip Yancey


New Year’s Quiet Time

Any part of a New Year would not be complete without the challenge and encouragement to refocus on what is important.  Find a devotional (suggestions below) and walk deeper with God this year.  2 key parts to any quiet time are prayer and devotional reading.  Please click on the links here to review:

1. How to Pray

2. Devotionals

As for my New Year’s Devotional, I will be using a free Bible application on my droid phone that gives you the readings for each day so you can read through the Bible in a year.  I have thankfully read through the Bible in a year several times, and it has always been a blessing.  However, there are those dry spells during which I find myself struggling to accomplish my goal.  Don’t give up! And if you have any questions about what you are reading along the way please don’t hesitate to ask us about them at uberlumen or

How to Pray

If you are not prayer warriors…then start small….10 minutes per
day…start a list of prayers and add to it…

How to pray? As I have mentioned, I am a rookie at focused time in
prayer to God, and I often don’t know how to start/what to say to
God….so I always fall back on a simple neumonic: A.C.T.S.
A: Adore God–tell God all the ways and reasons why you adore Him.
C: Confess to God–God is your secret sharer–tell Him ALL your
struggles, secrets, etc.
T: Thank God–tell God what you are thankful for…
S: Supplication–ASK! “Supplication is a continual praying–an ongoing quest for God’s will…”-Jack Hayford

…this usually takes up at least 10-15 minutes…I set my timer and so
often the alarm goes off and I am shocked at how fast the time with
God goes by….(Please don’t use a timer if you don’t have to or want
to…it is just my way to not worry about looking at my watch…It
helps me focus on God for the entire time…)

Finally, I would emphasize the practice of praying continually:  Wake up with the meditative image of Jesus waiting for you to wake up and start His adventure for the day with you, and spend each and every moment with God in prayer throughout the day…

Yo Adrian: A Pastor from Sri Lanka shares his heart

Pastor Adrian from Sri Lanka came to speak to our church.  He plants churches, rescues widows and orphans (Sri Lanka is predominantly Buddhist and Buddhists believe that widows are not to be helped because their bad karma caused them to be a widow etc.–news to me! wow!), and is someone who is passionately changing the world for Christ.  A couple from our church is in Sri Lanka for a year helping with his ministry.  Here is a letter written by him that speaks of his brokenness and his passion. Enjoy!

This is the sixth week I have been in pain. I know Ophelia must have kept all of you informed, but I thought I must also give you my version.

I was in Korea for the Lausanne leadership summit – it was challenging and meaningful, but the highlight was for me to attend Dr. Paul Yonggi- Cho’s church. This was a highlight for me for several reasons:

  1. Over 750,000 members in the church. I was very impressed by the numbers,
  2. Impressed that the Lord took a very ordinary person to do an extraordinary work.
  3. I was also touched by the fervor and passion of the people. The service was simple (Good music, well organized) but the passion with which they worshiped and ministered to those around was unbelievable.
  4. They read the Apostles creed and the Lords prayer together – I did not expect this. I am amazed that there are so many people in our churches who do not know the apostles creed and the Lord’s Prayer. We must teach this to our people, specially in a context like Sri Lanka where we dealing with first generation Christians

I was seated and absorbing all of this, when suddenly it seemed to me that the Lord was speaking to me.

I was a good evangelist in Youth for Christ, but now I have settled down to be the Leader of a Church planting movement, committed to its growth. I have given myself to establish programs that major on social justice and mercy, looking for ways of developing relevant Theology for Asia. Caring for the orphans and widows. Majoring in developing relevant models of ministry for the Church in Asia. In the midlist of all of such good and worthy projects, I have moved away from my primary call of reaching out to those outside the Kingdom of God.

This conviction came upon me in a real sense. The wonder of the church no more attracted my attention, I was confessing and rededicating me life to align with the purposes of God.

The following Sunday I shared this with the Kithu Sevana community, they responded in an amazing way. We prayed together and that evening I developed a pain in my shoulders. I am not a good patient at the best of times – but the pain was so sharp, I was walking around in unbearable pain for three weeks, the Doctors were treating me but I found no relief. The sad part was my trusted Doctor and friend Kumar Fernando was out, caring for people in the North. When he subsequently returned, I visited him and he prescribed some pain killers and sleeping drugs and muscle relievers. This helped me to finally sleep and I continued with the Physiotherapy and the shoulder pain has lessened greatly.

I learned the following lessons:

  1. Care for those who are sick – This has never been my strength. I am committed to a big picture, I am committed to seeing it happen, and many times I have willfully dodged my responsibility of caring and sometimes because I was so preoccupied with the big picture, I never saw the physically hurting people. Compassion is a prerequisite for ministry, without compassion, we will use people rather than serve them.
  2. Reaching out to those outside the Kingdom of God is a spiritual battle. This needs preparation, a deep walk with the Lord and much fasting and prayer and the unity of the body. Did I rush to do the right thing without much preparation?

This might sound childish, but I wonder if this could this be a spiritual attack to derail my commitment to reaching out to my people in more intentional manner.

I will let you judge the situation.

Sine last evening I am again in pain and unable to sleep. I was thrilled that the painful episode with my shoulder was coming to an end, only to realize that I have developed a sinus infection that has given rise to an asthmatic cough. (This is something that I battle all the time. I go on coughing throughout the entire day, and the worst is in the night when I can’t fall asleep due to the coughing.) At some point I cough so much in the nights and go into spasms.

At the moment I am exhausted and in deep confusion. My theology says God heals, but at the moment I have been in pain for seven weeks. (Many people in the Church have experience divine healing when I prayed) Does God heal only a few? How about the people who never experienced divine healing. Should we assure healing for all or should we simply pray for all, believing that God can heal but allowing this to be an act of God?

What is our responsibility for those who have never experienced healing – condemn them as people of no faith or love them as those who are suffering and we do not know the reason. Some of the evangelists that I have met and even well meaning Pastors and friends, based on erroneous theology add more pain and guilt on the poor and suffering. Their examples says see how God has blessed me, but the same God has withheld blessing from you. (They may not say this so directly but that’s what they communicate)

It is interesting for me to note that Jesus never asked people to give and testimony of how people got healed through his healing ministry to validate his preaching and healing ministry or even to give Glory to God, but on the contrary he asked them not share with any one, but in one occasion he asked the leper “to go and show your self to the priest”

Mark 1:43-44

43 Jesus sent him away at once with a strong warning: 44 “See that you don’t tell this to anyone. But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a testimony to them. (From New International Version)


Those who understand their role to serve the people will give up this triumph-list attitude in preaching but will communicate the Gospel in a manner to encourage and not to condemn. When people come to church, they come condemned and battling many issues and unresolved problems, they know they have failed God even in worse ways than we can even imagine.  The Church must offer hope, encouragement to the week and hurting so that they can go back to their world and make a difference for Jesus Christ.


I am convinced that triumph- listic preaching continues to do more harm to our people than good. We may be communicating to our people we are far superior and above them. They may admire us for such spirituality, but can never relate to us. Brokenness on the other hand, permits me to be real and celebrate the blessed assurance of JUSTIFICATION BY HIS GRACE and share my feeble attempt to reach SANTIFICATION through his sustaining Grace. This brings hope to those who are battling sin and doubt and make us shepherds they can relate to.

I wonder whether any of this make any sense to you, if so I am glad-If not I need help

Imagine: Using our Minds and Imaginations to Grow Closer to God Part 2

Enjoy sermon #6 in the Animate Series by Greg Boyd

Here is an excellent book that helps with prayer life and using imaginitive exercises to grow closer to God:

Animate Sermon Series by Boyd (This is the link to notes on the Series)

Celebration of Disciplines by Foster (This is an AMAZING book on spiritual disciplines.  It is filled with GREAT quotes from Christian disciples and with practical ways to grow deeper with Christ.  It is a How To on prayer, Bible study, fasting, etc.  Below is an excerpt from the book.)

mediation exercise: “The following is a brief exercise to aid you in “re-collection” that is simply called “palms down, palms up.” Begin by placing your palms down as a symbolic indication of your desire to turn over any concerns you may have to God. Inwardly you may pray, “Lord, I give to you my anger toward John. I release my fear of my dentist appointment this morning. I surrender my anxiety over not having enough money to pay the bills this month. I release my frustration over trying to find a baby-sitter for tonight.” Whatever it is that weighs on your mind or is a concern to you, just say, “palms down.” Release it. You may even feel a certain sense of release in your hands. After several moments of surrender, turn your palms up as a symbol of your desire to receive from the Lord. Perhaps you will pray silently: “Lord, I would like to receive your divine love for John, your peace about the dentist appointment, your patience, your joy.” Whatever you need, you say, “palms up.” Having centered down, spend the remaining moments in complete silence. Do not ask for anything. Allow the Lord to commune with you, to love you.”-Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster

Finally I end with a quote from Francisco whose devotion, passion, and focused imagery inspires and transforms our often lifeless faith.  Try starting your day with Jesus WAITING for YOU to take each day as a unique adventure!

“When I wake up every morning, Jesus is waiting for me.”-Francisco

Imagine: Using our Minds & Imaginations to grow closer to God Part 1

I have placed 1 of the 8 sermon series on this post because it is so important for Christians in the U.S. to come back to the early church practices of prayer, meditation, and using ALL of our sense and especially using our imagination/minds.

As a western physician, my brain is entirely left without a right.  The use of imagery in prayer and in our walk with Him could transform our faith if we took the time to practice these exercises.

As a former atheist, I am quick  to put distance between myself and God when life is going smoothly and to be filled with doubt when life is going rough.  These sermons inspire and challenge all of us to use our minds/imaginations to grow closer to Him.

Animate Sermon Series by Boyd (This is the link to notes on the Series)

As always share with us your thoughts.

In the beginning was the Word…

John wrote these profound words to start his gospel.  Do words have power? Do words have more importance than we realize?  John was clearly stating to his audience that Jesus was God and that He was the Word which in Greek is logos (where we get the word logic in English).

I have come across something very interesting and if true, very powerful.  If this is true and accurate, it implies that the very fabric of the universe is ‘powered’ by the Word.

There is a man who has played music and taped words written on paper to glasses of water and then photographed the water molecules (scroll down on this website to read an interview of him).  The water molecules seem to change after being ‘spoken’ to.  What is the skeptics response to this? Please share with us if you have any thoughts.

“After seeing water react to different environmental conditions, pollution and music, Mr. Emoto and colleagues decided to see how thoughts and words affected the formation of untreated, distilled, water crystals, using words typed onto paper by a word processor and taped on glass bottles overnight. The same procedure was performed using the names of deceased persons. The waters were then frozen and photographed.”

Before and After Prayer

Love'you make me sick'

The image on the left is from the word: LOVE on the water glass.  The image on the right is from the words: ‘you make me sick’ on the water glass….hmmm……

A ‘kingdom of God’ prayer!

Bill has written an incredible prayer of love, submission to His will, and living in the Kingdom NOW! Please enjoy it and let us know your comments. (check out more of Bill’s wisdom)

I love you Jesus!  I love you Father!  I love you Holy Spirit!  Lord, today I want to live my life as your apprentice – teach me what you want me to learn and help me to accept whatever circumstance you allow in my life as an opportunity to be mentored by you.  Today I devote my whole self to you – my heart, my mind, my body, my relationships, my soul, all of me. Today I ask you to live through me in all that I think and desire and in all that I say and do. Today I submit myself and my life to you and your kingdom purposes.  Today want to live in the reality of and from the resources of your kingdom of the heavens in my midst.  Today as I walk the path of life with you I want to share your love with whoever I meet.

Love Well Give Well

Pathways church is embarking during this Christmas season to raise money to provide a drinking well for an entire community in Africa.  Please consider helping us to reach our goal of providing living water to those in dire need.  Enjoy this brief video about Pathways efforts:

PLEASE donate money for this GREAT cause directly on UBERLUMEN by clicking on the ChipIn icon on the right hand side of the site or click on icon below:

Miracles and Healings AMAZING Stories

Ever since the 1st Century church emerged and their miracle and healing stories were documented in the book of Acts et al, the church has been filled with such stories.  There has been a ground swell in Christianity to focus again on the early Church model of miracles and healings.  What are your thoughts about this?  JP Moreland in his wonderful book, The Kingdom Triangle, points out and discusses this epidemic of miracles and healings occurring worldwide in Christianity noting that American Christianity continues to fall behind in this resurgence of the early Church model of Christianity.

We have been posting interviews and stories regarding miracles and healings as well.  The posts have been generated by a missionary friend who has experienced these miracles and healings first hand.  He has shifted his ministry from the traditional evangelical Christian model of the last 50 years to a miracle and healing ministry, and he has seen incredible things.  This is yet another audio clip of such miracles and healings from a mentor of his.

This brief audio clip is from Pastor Bill Johnson at Bethel Church in Redding, CA.  He tells numerous stories of miracles and healings.  

Do you believe it? What do you think?  Please click on the title of this post and then scroll down to leave your comments.

Men’s Topic #5: PRAYER

Here are the notes from Dave on Men’s Group Topic #5: Prayer  

On Wednesday we reviewed Luke 11:5-13 and Luke 18:1-7 (please read, or re-read them before continuing). 

Bucky makes so many great points each week it is a challenge to write about just one or two.  I selfishly get to pick the ones that touch my heart and pray they will touch yours, too.

We all know where Bucky’s heart is on the subject of prayer because he stated on Wednesday, “the best thing we could do is pray.”  I’ve been blessed to be able to attend a few events with Bucky and one thing he makes sure happens is that prayer is part of the event.  For example, after serving those in need at the City of Hope shelter a couple of months ago we stood in front of the door and Bucky led us in prayer.  Bucky often says how he walks around the Northwood neighborhood and prays before service.  So it did not surprise me when our discussion this week focused on prayer. When all is said and done if we do not become men of prayer we will never know God.  We can “study” His word all we want but we will never know Him.  Prayer is nothing more than talking to God; it is not ceremonial or ritualistic; it is a conversation with our Lord and Savior.  Bucky said we can go through the routine of prayer but if it is just rote that is disconnected from your heart it will not accomplish anything.  Prayer needs a willing and wanting heart.  Getting on your knees at the beginning and/or end of each day and praying is something to be done not out of “duty” but out of desire.  How else can you get to know God if you do not talk to Him? Another point Bucky made was that each morning when the disciples awoke they usually found Jesus out alone, praying.  He was talking to His Abba.  Jesus’ Abba is our Abba, too.  The point of Luke 11:5-13, is to show us God isn’t a grouchy Father, but a Good Neighbor; the One we can talk to anytime, anywhere.  If we knock, He will answer.  God is always there for us.  A little while back Bill Gaultiere had Cynthia and me demonstrate the “prayer hug” we do almost every morning.  It is amazing how Cynthia looks forward to starting her day knowing I’ve cared enough to embrace her and whisper my prayer to God in her ear.  As men, God wants us to be the spiritual heads of our households.  The best thing we can do for our families doesn’t involve anything in this world (no college funds, hedge funds, mutual funds, etc.); it is prayer.  Try it, and like the woman in Luke 18:1-7, do not give up; continue to pray.  Remember it is in His timing not ours. 

Prayer is Invading the Impossible

I had the honor to teach at Men of Influence this week.  This is the men’s group at Mariners Church that I used to go to until I moved over to Men on the Path at Pathways Church.  It is an amazing group of men, and they have chosen an AMAZING book to go through: Prayer is Invading the Impossible by Hayford.  We discussed these questions:

  1. Is God good? How do you know that God is good?
  2. Does Satan exist? How do you know?
  3. Why do bad things happen to good people?  Where do bad things come from?
  4. What role do your prayers have in accomplishing God’s will?

I mentioned these 2 books as GREAT resources:

  1. Never Give Up! by Nancy Missler: A LIVE CHANGING book concerning trials and tribulations
  2. The Invisible War by Chip Ingram: What Every Believer Needs to Know about Satan, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare

Please enjoy my brief audio teaching and slides, and as always, please share your comments!

Prayer Request Update re: Jeff’s cardiac arrest

I just received an update via email about Jeff’s condition. I know that many of you have been praying for him and his family.  PLEASE read his AMAZING journal entry!

I have cut and pasted it here as well:

I’m writing to say thank you for your love during my cardiac arrest, resuscitation, medical care and current recovery…

…to my Heavenly Father, who, obviously, holds my very life in His hands; Jesus, my Lord and Savior and the model of the person I strive to become; the Spirit of God, my daily strength and wisdom. Thank you for your grace.

…to Karen, Alex, Maddie and Ella, it is impossible to imagine a life without you. Thank you for loving me everyday.

…to mom and dad, for staying by my side the past 45 years

…to the rest of our family and friends, in the Port Streets (wow!), at the Boras Corporation, across Orange County and the country for your prayers, caring for my children and my wife, visits to the hospital to spend time with me and sacrificing time with your own families, coordinating meals…etc. etc., overwhelming…

…to St. Andrews Pres, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and my Friday morning men’s group, for being a model of what it looks like to worship God with our lives everyday, praying over me and reading God’s Word to me in the hospital, and prayer, prayer, prayer…

…to Hoag Hospital, my doctors, and the Newport Beach Paramedics, there are numerous exceptional medical people and facilities across the country, but none better.

There has been much prayer for me, and now from me to you-one of Paul’s prayers that has been a main life verse for me for over 20 years….

“I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you being rooted and established in love, may have power together with all the saints to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” Ephesians 3:16-19 (NIV).

I look forward to the opportunity to say thank you personally to as many as God affords me the opportunity. Just one warning, any hug over 3 seconds brings with it the danger of getting wet.

Peace, Jeff Musselman

Prayer Request for Jeff and his family

Jeff, who lives in our neighborhood, suffered a very serious heart attack yesterday.  Karen had to administer CPR at the onset and is now at Hoag hospital.  He is currently in a drug induced coma and the doctors are stating that tomorrow will be very revealing as to the damage that has been done.  Please keep Jeff in your prayers, for quick recovery, no damage to his mind or body, wisdom and discernment for the doctors and for Karen and the kids to have strength during this extremely difficult time.

Prayer Request become a bone marrow donor

Please PRAY and consider becoming a donor for my friend’s sister-in-law:

Dear Friends,
As some of you know, my sister-in-law, Lisa, was diagnosed with blood cancer (Acute Myelogenous Leukemia) on June 21, 2008.  Right now Lisa MUST have a bone marrow transplant in order to survive.  An exhaustive search of current available donors has not produced a matching donor. Please see the two attachments for more information on becoming a donor. The process is fairly easy. We have teamed-up with DKMS ( for a donor drive.  First, you can check your eligibility at the DKMS website (donors cannot have diabetes, heart disease, etc).  Second, there are two ways to register to become a donor: 1) come by our donor drive this Friday or Saturday at my father’s ministry office located at 3636 Westminster Ave, Santa Ana. Or, 2) go to the DKMS website and they will mail you a swab kit for free.  Either way, it’s a simple process of rubbing a swab on your cheek. After the swab is analyzed (2-3 weeks) and a matching donor is found, the transplant is usually taken by blood.  Eighty percent of the time, the needed cells are donated through blood. Please help us find a donor.  Time is of the essence since only 20% of patients find a matching donor. Lisa must have a bone marrow transplant to survive.  You or someone you know could save Lisa’s life.  Please pray for Lisa.  Please help us save her life.
With love,

Martin & Lela

Prayer Requests: Kazakhstan Missionaries

Matt and Laura are friends of mine from medical school who are now missionaries in kazakhstan. Please pray for their fellow missionaries (see below):
“This past week one of our teammates, Yoon Bae, and his family in Kazakhstan were in a terrible car accident near the city of Karaganda in which he and his family live and work. Their four year old daughter Ha Rin was killed and he sustained several broken vertebrae in his lower back. They have flown back to Korea where they are from. His wife and infant son were not severely injured. Please pray for this family as the Spirit leads you. Also pray for our YWAM family there in Kazakhstan and the team that Yoon Bae leads there in Karaganda. The team moved up there just one year ago to pioneer a new ministry with university students.
Our teammates Nathan and Carole who where kicked out of Kazakhstan for Visa problems a year ago and were just trying to return this past week are in need of our prayers also. Nathan was stopped at the airport and after and ordeal was sent back out of the country on the plane he arrived on! Carole and their two boys were allowed to enter. He was deported with no explanation. Please pray for these dear friends. Carole needs to sell all their things including their house. With out Nathan in the country to sign certain documents this seems impossible so pray that God makes a way. They have served in Central Asia for many years! Also pray for Carole and the boys as they will be saying unexpected good byes and for Nathan as he is back in the U.S. and now will have to make big decisions regarding the future that does not include Kazakhstan. ”