That’s The Way Music Is Constructed

“That’s the way music is constructed…” What was that?

Have you ever had one of those moments when time ‘stands still’? An epiphany type moment? I love them, but most of the time I step right over them!

My friend and music scholar pointed out that classical musical pieces are constructed in a certain way, and he used Beethoven’s Pathetique Sonata as an illustration.

The 1st and 3rd movements (beginning and end) are in minor keys (somber/quieter), and the 2nd movement is in a major key (livelier/upbeat).  Now the mystical part of all this is when you tie this musical piece to our lives.  And the message becomes very clear that we are ‘designed’ meant to be in the middle of the music, and when we are too focused in the past, the music of our lives becomes minor key and somber (missing out on the present).  And when we are too focused on the future, the music of our lives becomes minor key and chaotic (listen to this piece for yourself…very cool).

What if we are each a unique piece of music to be played to the world?

What happens to our music when we dwell on the past? Or the future?  What happens to our sound? To our music?