The Number One Sign of a True Leader

My 9 year old son asked my wife if he could leave the school auditorium during a lecture on classical music appreciation to play with his friends.  My wife said, “No you need to stay for the lecture.”  My son disobeyed her and went outside to play with his friends, and he got caught and admonished by one of the teachers.

My wife has told him that he now must go today to appologize to the teacher admitting to her that he was wrong and that he is sorry.

You should see the tears that came from this.  He is very upset.  But this is a life lesson: Admit when you are wrong and say you are sorry.

I was reminded of Eisenhower’s letter and Lincoln’s humility.  Eisenhower when he was the commander of the allied forces held in his coat pocket a letter addressed to the troops and to the world admitting that he was entirely to blame for the failure of D-Day invasion (obviously he never had to send it).  Lincoln was always ready and willing to admit his failures and mistakes.

The #1 sign of a true leader is humility which shows itself by admitting when you are wrong and being willing to say we are sorry.