The Power of Musical Notes: Resonance & Dissonance

I found this excerpt about musical notes very timely and interesting.  As most of you know, I am finishing up credentialing in Professional Coaching.  It has been an incredible adventure.  As I reflect on my many learning’s, I was reminded by this excerpt on musical notes that our lives are filled with “music”.  The music of life is our unique musical piece.  We each have different values which make us hum, and whenever one of our unique values is being played for us, we are in a place of resonance.  What does the music of your life, of your values, sound like?  How do you know when you are in a resonant place?

“Musical notes are different from non-musical noises because every musical note is made up of a ripple pattern which repeats itself over and over again. … To be a musical note, it doesn’t really matter how complicated the individual ripples are, as long as the pattern repeats itself. Our eardrums flex in and out as the pressure ripples push against them. However, our eardrums can’t respond properly if the ripple pattern repeats itself too quickly or too slowly – we can only hear patterns which repeat themselves more often than twenty times a second but less often than 2o,ooo times a second.

“Musical notes don’t need to be made by musical instruments, in fact, anything which vibrates or disturbs the air in a regular way between twenty and 20,000 times a second will produce a note. High-speed motorbike engines or dentists’ drills produce notes. In the song ‘The Facts of Life,’ the band Talking Heads uses what sounds like a compressed air-powered drill to produce one of the notes of the background accompaniment. This combination of music and engineering fits well with the lyrics, which compare love to a machine.

“Musical instruments are simply devices which have been designed to produce notes in a controlled way. A musician uses finger movement or lung power to start something vibrating at chosen frequencies – and notes are produced.”