How to Pray

If you are not prayer warriors…then start small….10 minutes per
day…start a list of prayers and add to it…

How to pray? As I have mentioned, I am a rookie at focused time in
prayer to God, and I often don’t know how to start/what to say to
God….so I always fall back on a simple neumonic: A.C.T.S.
A: Adore God–tell God all the ways and reasons why you adore Him.
C: Confess to God–God is your secret sharer–tell Him ALL your
struggles, secrets, etc.
T: Thank God–tell God what you are thankful for…
S: Supplication–ASK! “Supplication is a continual praying–an ongoing quest for God’s will…”-Jack Hayford

…this usually takes up at least 10-15 minutes…I set my timer and so
often the alarm goes off and I am shocked at how fast the time with
God goes by….(Please don’t use a timer if you don’t have to or want
to…it is just my way to not worry about looking at my watch…It
helps me focus on God for the entire time…)

Finally, I would emphasize the practice of praying continually:  Wake up with the meditative image of Jesus waiting for you to wake up and start His adventure for the day with you, and spend each and every moment with God in prayer throughout the day…

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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