Men’s Group Psalm 145, February 4, 2009

Message from Dave from Men on the Path last week:

Sometimes God speaks to you subtly and other times He makes it obvious because He doesn’t want you to miss it.  Sometimes it takes me a while to write these summaries because either I am not listening for God’s voice or He is being subtle and I just don’t realize it.  Anyway, between Wednesday and this morning (Friday) God made it easy for me. I am attempting double duty this year.  In addition to journaling by writing my letter to God each evening, last month I purchased a Daily Devotional where I read a passage of scripture and then it gives a few words as if they are being spoken by God.  I do not know what to make of that yet.   I am pretty rigid when to comes to religion and politics.  I am working on it but I am not there by any means.  I am sure I can find arguments for both sides; those that say it is okay and those that say it is blasphemy.  In any event, I believe my answer came in the last few days and the answer is quite interesting.   But before we get to that…

On Wednesday Robbie lead the Men of the Path session.  We read Psalm 145 (please take some time and read it before going further – it will help   wish I could put the Final Jeopardy Theme in here so you could hear that music in the background as we pause 🙂  So now you know what we talked about, praising God.  Psalm 145 is a song of praise; yes, praise, and lots of it.  When you read that Psalm look at all of the words David uses for praising his Lord – great, mighty, majesty, power, awesome, righteous, good, compassion, and the list goes on.  David certainly knew who his Lord and Savior was, didn’t he?  How could David pour out such praise?  Well, think of it this way; you cannot praise someone if you don’t have a relationship with them, can you?  So that is where the praise begins, on your knees, spending alone time with Him and listening for His voice.  It begins by acknowledging God for who He is and realizing it is about Him and not you.  You must believe that God is a sovereign God and that God is good.  You must submit to the fact that God knows best and that God’s word is the final authority in your life.  We know from reading and journaling the Psalms during January that David knew these things.  Believe me, it is one thing to write those words and another thing to live by them.   I like what Jan Gilbert said at our table on Wednesday morning; “It is difficult for me to praise God in the bad times.  For instance when I get a flat tire on the way to work, do I say “Yes, thank You, God?”  No, I do not.  Or, I may say it, but do I really mean it? No, probably not”  Jan was being realistic, wasn’t he?  Then Jan gave us another story about when God delayed a family travel plan.  The outcome was amazing.  I encourage you to ask Jan about it when you see him.

Okay, back to the devotional.  Here are the “God speaking” parts from the last two days:

“Do not resist Me or harden your heart.  I take no pleasure in the affliction of My children.  In love, I chasten to prevent the deeper suffering involved should I allow you to go on in a path of evil.  But My heart is glad when you walk close, with your hand in Mine, and we talk over the day’s journey and activities so it becomes a happy way that we travel in mutual fellowship.  So, pour out your praise to Me from a light heart and I will plan your path and we will go singing.”

“Praise Me.  Lift your heart in gratitude.  In your sleeping and your waking hours, My hand of protection and blessing is upon you.  I have built a hedge around you.  Even as was written concerning Job.  It was not a false accusation of the devil to Job.  I removed it to silence the enemy of his soul.  But for the multitudes I have never removed the hedge.  I am keeping you, My child for one purpose in particular – that you may be able to accomplish the task committed to you.”

Amazing, isn’t it?  Out of the 365 days and writings in that devotional; those writings come now.  There are no coincidences, are there?  It is clear to me; Praise Him, in good times and in bad.  Having the abundant life means you are at peace during trials and tribulations.  Remember, if there is anyone we can pray for (including you), Pathways has a great prayer team.  Contact Armando Barrios