Vital Signs of Healing: VALUE-Are You Enough? Introduction

Enjoy this brief audio introduction to the curriculum entitled: Vital Signs of Healing.  There are 4 physical vital signs and 4 Vital Signs of Healing: Love, Value, Virtue, and Healing.  This is an introduction to a lecture about the Vital Sign: VALUE.  We had this picture up on the screen for part of our discussions:

Who do YOU most relate to in this picture? And why? Please leave us your insights by adding a comment below.

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One thought on “Vital Signs of Healing: VALUE-Are You Enough? Introduction

  1. Hey Drew!
    Wow, I see a litle piece of me in every man there. At times I use to be that one in the back that just sat back and watched; interested, but indifferent. Other times I was more like the man on the far right; kind of “better than” and not willing to step down and help. Other times I was more like the man in the hat, just waiting, maybe hoping to see to see miracle. Maybe hoping for one myself.

    Now I see I am the man on his knees; broken, hurting, sorry, and sore; definitely not enough and finally willing to admit it . But with God’s grace, I can let go of that; and let the real healer live and work through me. If I ever look like the man laying on hands… It’s not me, it is He.

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