Wear a HELMET!

My ENTIRE family wears helmets when they ride bikes, skateboard, razor, etc.  I started wearing a helmet after I saw an 11 year old girl die before my eyes when I was in training.  She was roller blading on her street and a car at low speed hit her.  She tore one of the main arteries in her brain, and you could see the blood gushing out of her nose–it was very graphic and memorable.  Wear a HELMET!

I am always amazed at how few kids wear helmets in my neighborhood even when driving around in the motorized scooters.  Wear a HELMET!

I just received an email about a kid who was not wearing a helmet and fell off his skateboard and had multiple skull fractures and a severe concussion.  This is what his mom said in her email:  “If there is a lesson as a parent that Mark and I have taken, it is to hug your child every day and look at them for the perfect creatures that they are, and as a true gift from God.  Don’t sweat the small stuff, because life can change in an instant!  And, . . . to make them WEAR A HELMET, even if they think they are too cool.  That includes us as parents, as I will be purchasing myself one before our next bike ride.  So to my friend Patricia, who I always see riding with her helmet on and giggle, I will soon be in your club!”

Wear a HELMET!