Part 1: Signs and Wonders in the Digital Age

Westernized Christianity can seem dull, and most of the time, Christians don’t appear any different than their non-believing counter parts.

My friend in the Middle East visited again this summer to super charge and challenge my thoughts on signs and wonders.  The Bible is filled with supernatural signs and wonders.  The western world teaches that these were only for the time ‘back then’ or explains these events away by claiming that people ‘back then’ were very naive.  These miracles never actually happened, were fancy analogies/examples of key teaching principles, or misunderstood by superstitious people back in the past.

What if these signs and wonders could be seen today?

This is the 1st of 3 sermons given by my friend from the Middle East.  I would love to know what you think….

The Power of the Holy Spirit

This is a powerful and incredible story of a missionaries faith and trust in God, and the power of the Holy Spirit to intervene:

Ready Yourselves

By dorsey
I write this in no way to boast about myself or to receive any praise. My intent is to share of God’s great and awesome grace, mercy, and power, and to give Him all the glory. It amazes me how He chooses to love, protect and dwell with and in us even though we are so imperfect and fall way short of his glory. As his child, I desire to get closer to him and I try to consistently read his word and talk with him throughout the day. I seek his wisdom, understanding, discernment and sound judgment each day, because without it I would make even more mistakes than I do already. We all, as believers, know that there is a battle between our natural nature and our spiritual nature. There is a constant struggle to choose the way of our flesh or the way of God. We must be aware of this war and consciously fight it by filling our minds with his truth. If we commit ourselves on a daily basis, as if practicing a sport or a particular skill, our response will become automatic. We will be filled and driven by the spirit, reacting in the spiritual nature. We will be ready in all circumstances. Of course there will be times when we make the wrong moves, but if we remain abiding in him, he will take over during critical moments without hesitation.

June 10, 2010 was the first day of our First Southern Baptist of Scottsdale youth teams mission trip. After working hard all day we spent the evening playing games on the patio. After relaxing enough I went upstairs to go to bed. Shortly after dozing off I was awakened by Julie, unusually anxious and concerned. She explained that there were men on the patio with guns. Not really sure what was going on, I jumped to my feet, fumbled with the phones that Julie put in my hands, and walked across the house to the top of the stairs. Bewildered, I looked down and saw a masked man at the bottom. Without fear, I boldly and confidently descended the stairs toward him. He backed away and retreated out of the house. When I exited after him I was met by another masked man pointing a shotgun at my chest. I noticed the group, sitting in a circle, heads down, some crying, others stunned. I was forced to sit. One man went through the house collecting valuables while the other held us hostage at gunpoint. The potential for this to get worse was too great and this had to be stopped now. I immediately confronted the masked gunman and rebuked him with authority in the name of Jesus. After a few minutes he responded, “I didn’t know you were Christians.” The power of the name of Jesus was breaking him. He was intimidated by the spirit of God. Sensing this, without fear, I stood up and got in his face, pressing him even harder with Gods truth. With the shotgun at my chest we conversed for some time about Jesus, forgiveness, salvation and the power of God to change lives. He backed down, both physically and spiritually. His heart was softened, open, and remorseful. It was clear that these two men had walked into something that they didn’t expect. They came to instill fear. They thought that they were in control. However, that wasn’t the case. They must have thought “this isn’t how this is supposed to go”. It was clear that God was in control, and I was not afraid, and they knew it. They were the fearful ones. One man was fearing me and calling for me to be shot and killed, the other was fearing God and asking for forgiveness. One ran away. The other stayed to be prayed for, shook my hand and walked off, no doubt, in deep thought.

It is difficult to put into words the awe, the wonder, the amazement, the gratitude, the elation and the faith that followed such a monumental display of Gods presence. God knew exactly what I needed and he gave it to me. He took over and directed every move. There could not have been a more perfect ending. The name of the lord is our strong tower, our deliverer, our defender. He is always there. Jesus you are so good to us!

“Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of Heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1-2

Filed in: Founders’ Blog • Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

What is PRAYER?

What is prayer?

Prayer is SO much and there are so MANY ways to pray….but here is a
brief list of what prayer is about…
1. Time with God
“…Prayer is a window into knowing the mind of God, whose kingdom is
entrusted to all of us frail, selfish people on earth.”-Philip Yancey
2. Praise to God: Thank Him for all the blessings in your life…
2. Requests to God: ASK Him, SEEK Him
3. Partnership with God
“…Prayer is our chance to join forces with God’s power to confront
suffering and evil head-on.”-Philip Yancey


Wild and Crazy? Maybe it is the Holy Spirit

I had the opportunity to speak on the Holy Spirit for my wife’s women’s group.  They are doing a series based out of Francis Chan’s book: Forgotten God: Reversing our tragic neglect of the Holy Spirit

The take home message: If it sounds wild and crazy, maybe it is or maybe it is and it is the Holy Spirit working!

“Our guide is the Holy Spirit, whom the early Celtic christians like Patrick called the Wild Goose.  They knew he could not be tamed.  Ours is merely to trust and follow his haunting call, and he will take us on the adventure he has for us…”-Eldridge (The Way of the Wild Heart), pg 125

Please share with us your thoughts after you listen to the teaching.


1. Have you ever been ‘healed’ or have you heard of anyone being ‘healed’ by God/The Spirit?

2. Do you believe that the Holy Spirit still is active? In what ways? Are ‘the gifts’ open or closed?

3. How active is the Holy Spirit in your life?  How does the Holy Spirit manifest?


uberlumen posts:

An Encounter With God

Do Miracles Really Happen?

Miracles and Healings AMAZING Stories

Miracles and Healings #1-4


Turnings by Guy Chevreau

The Kingdom Triangle by JP Moreland

You Were Born For This by Bruce Wilkinson (how to develop a life of everyday miracles)

Where is God? Part 1 Now Here: A Walk Through Psalm 13

I had the honor of flying solo for a sermon at my church.  We are doing a 6 week series titled: Where is God? This 1st in the series addresses some practical tips that can be applied to help all of us to deal with life’s stress, anxiety, pain, and suffering. It is subtitled: Now Here, a walk through Psalm 13.
Here are the power point slides, the 2 video clips, and the audio is below. Please share your thoughts.

Haitian Earthquake Survivors Praise God

A friend and partner of mine just shared this video he took when he was caring for Haitian’s in an orphanage converted to a hospital. The Haitian’s spontaneously errupted into praise songs to God.

Also here is a link to a powerful letter from a surgeon who just returned as part of Samaritan’s Purse…

Haitian Earthquake Survivors from Jim Keany on Vimeo.

Don’t Worry #1

My kids are worry warts.  They are sometimes paralyzed by what if’s and worry about future school assignments etc.  How can we educate and comfort our kids AND ourselves?  This is the 1st of (I hope) many posts on the topic of worry.

Chapter 11 of Ruthless Trust by Brennan Manning is a life changing concept and chapter.  The chapter is titled: The Geography of Nowhere.  The concept is simple.  If we are NOT NOW HERE then we are NO WHERE!  So lesson #1 is to live in the NOW.  Don’t worry about the future or the past.  Live in the Now Here.

 “The music of what is happening,” said great Fionn, “that is the finest music in the world.” …The music of what is happening can be heard only in the present moment, right now, right here.  Now/here spells now-here.  To be fully present to whoever or whatever is immediately before us is to pitch a tent in the wilderness of Now-here.  It is an act of radical trust-trust that God can be encountered at no other time and in no other place in the present moment.  Being fully present in the now is perhaps the premier skill of the spiritual life.”-Chapter 11, Ruthless Trust by Manning

Men on the Path, October 21, 2009: What does Quiet Strength Look Like?

Monte did a GREAT job discussing what quiet strength looks like.  Here are some points that we discussed:

  • The values of our culture are the opposite of the values of one with quiet strength.  Here are how the beatitudes would sound if they were written to our culture: Blessed are the popular for they will be admired.  Blessed are the consumers for they will keep us in the black.  Blessed are those with skeleton’s in their closets for they will remain hidden….
  • quiet strength is seen when we are helpless without God, when we are NOT in control, when we share our fears and ask for help instead of isolating (just recently I had another neighbor who was in the hospital for 2 days and did not mention it to his friend/neighbor, his wife appeared shocked when I said that I would have come and visited…men live isolated, lonely lives and don’t reach out!)
  • Are we afraid of success in the Kingdom of God?  What are we afraid if we followed the values seen in the Kingdom of God (i.e. the Beatitudes)?
  • Who is your Sam? When Frodo didn’t have the strength to make it up the mountain at the end of his quest, his quiet, strong friend Sam carried him on his back.  Monte shared that he had a friend when he was going through a tough time in his life who called him and said, “I will be your Sam.”  (btw-the name Samuel means God hears…hmmmm)

I am not enough!

I am NOT enough! My eyes have FINALLY been open to this reality.  Most of us have this ‘wound’ but we just don’t know it.  I have written a brief summary of my learnings to help us all to learn from our past so that we may grow spiritually and emotionally in the future:

“Drew, can you be 1st base coach?” How hard could that be? The player’s are only 5 years old so all I had to do was point them in the direction of 2nd base, say, “great job!”, and my job was done. Or was it? My dad came up to me afterwards and said, “You know that you could have coached them more.” How many times has your mom or dad told you that you could have done a better job at something? Well at 35 years of age, my dad’s comment went on deaf ears until I mentioned it in passing to my wife. She thought his comment was significant, and comments such as those can have a lasting impact especially when you are young.  When she said this, I shared with her those times when I was young that my dad would critique one of my school projects, and he would insist that I throw it out and start all over.

More recently, I followed my father-in-law’s advice and bought a new barbeque from the exact same store and arranged the details of the delivery just as he instructed me. I proudly mentioned to him that I had left just the right amount of money on top of the old bbq so the delivery man would willingly take it away when he delivered the new bbq. When I showed off my new bbq to my father-in-law, I couldn’t get the propane tank hooked up to the bbq because my new bbq had a different attachment than my old one. My father-in-law said, “Oh, I always have the delivery man make sure and hook up the propane tank to the bbq before they leave to make sure that it works.” Finally, I recently had the pleasure of trying to pass a kidney stone. Not wanting to miss any work, I arranged to have it extracted during my vacation time. In passing, I mentioned to my retired father-in-law that I had only missed 1 day of work in 11 years. He said, “I missed 1 day of work in 30 years.” Have there been times in your life when your mom and dad have ‘zinged’ you (probably not even knowing that they had)?

Our dad’s (sometimes our mom’s) tell us over and over again as we are growing up—You are NOT enough! In so many subtle and not so subtle ways. This is the wound that so many men (and women) carry with them. It creates a fiercely critical spirit, a chip on our shoulders, and abrasive arguments when anyone tries to give us “constructive criticism”. We become our dad. It was only recently that a friend pointed this “I am not enough” wound out to me.  It was life changing to begin to process what it meant, how often I responded to my wife and others because of it, and how to learn and grow from it.

There are many practical ways that knowing about this wound has transformed my life.  In the past when I would write an article, I would immediately ask my wife to proof read the article for me.  When she would quickly use the red marker to slash and destroy what I thought was an almost perfect article, I would respond in a fury.  Now I see that I was only responding to my childhood experiences of not being enough.  My wife now knowing my wound has taken it upon herself to help heal my wound.  When I ask for her to proof read anything that I have written, she will affirm me, put it aside for at least 24 hours, and then she will slash away with her red marker.  It is amazing how quickly I become unattached to my work, and then can handle her critiques and edits much better.

My wife and I have an amazing marriage, but we have our share of arguments.  To my surprise, most of our arguments revolve around my “not enough” wound.  We argue because I feel that she has told me that “I am not enough”.  It can be simply because she told me that I loaded the dishwasher the wrong or that I should drive around the block again so my oldest son will be late to a birthday party because he does better when he is not the only kid there.  Yes, believe it or not this can set me off because I feel she is critiquing my driving and my favorite mantra that being early is one of life’s valuable secrets.

Two things have occurred since my “wound” was discovered.  Our arguments still occur, but they are much shorter and often end in laughter.  A less obvious by-product of my discovery stems from my wife’s repeated comment, “Ok already, I got it.  You are not enough.  When will it stop being about that!”  The wound is now so obvious and so prevelant that we both can laugh about it.  I have been healed enough through the process to laugh and with my wife’s encouragement to even tell myself, ‘Get over it!’

Francis Collins Discussion, Part 2

Did you ‘find waldo’ in the previous post? The problem/irony that I found is that in what is supposed to be an objective, scientific Journal this article points to intolerance and injustice.

I have never heard of someone’s religious beliefs or lack there of being a contention in their being elected Director of the NIH. I never read an article voicing the concerns that a president elected a scientist to lead the NIH who was an atheist. Isn’t there a concern with an atheists belief’s clouding their judgment and agenda? I would be MORE concerned about an atheist in the post of NIH director if we were to truly embrace the cold, hard truth about atheism–namely that the conclusions to the atheist worldview are that there is no morality (unless you consider subjective morality a type of morality) and there is no meaning–now someone who follows THOSE beliefs and dictates NIH agenda’s based on survival of the fittest–that is someone I would NOT want heading up the NIH.

I was also concerned and discouraged that this journal would allow such a non-objective commentary that states: “Some observers expressed concern that his personal religious beliefs would affect his judgments as NIH director.” Now who are the ‘some’??? It turns out that it is one VERY militant atheist editorial comments from the New York Times!!!

If you want find more ‘waldo’s’ (please leave your list of problems found in this op-ed piece from the NY Times in the comments section of this post) then enjoy the editorial that started all this:

Op-Ed Contributor

Published: July 26, 2009
PRESIDENT OBAMA has nominated Francis Collins to be the next director of the National Institutes of Health. It would seem a brilliant choice. Dr. Collins’s credentials are impeccable: he is a physical chemist, a medical geneticist and the former head of the Human Genome Project. He is also, by his own account, living proof that there is no conflict between science and religion. In 2006, he published “The Language of God,” in which he claimed to demonstrate “a consistent and profoundly satisfying harmony” between 21st-century science and evangelical Christianity.
Dr. Collins is regularly praised by secular scientists for what he is not: he is not a “young earth creationist,” nor is he a proponent of “intelligent design.” Given the state of the evidence for evolution, these are both very good things for a scientist not to be.
But as director of the institutes, Dr. Collins will have more responsibility for biomedical and health-related research than any person on earth, controlling an annual budget of more than $30 billion. He will also be one of the foremost representatives of science in the United States. For this reason, it is important that we understand Dr. Collins and his faith as they relate to scientific inquiry.
What follows are a series of slides, presented in order, from a lecture on science and belief that Dr. Collins gave at the University of California, Berkeley, in 2008:
Slide 1: “Almighty God, who is not limited in space or time, created a universe 13.7 billion years ago with its parameters precisely tuned to allow the development of complexity over long periods of time.”
Slide 2: “God’s plan included the mechanism of evolution to create the marvelous diversity of living things on our planet. Most especially, that creative plan included human beings.”
Slide 3: “After evolution had prepared a sufficiently advanced ‘house’ (the human brain), God gifted humanity with the knowledge of good and evil (the moral law), with free will, and with an immortal soul.”
Slide 4: “We humans used our free will to break the moral law, leading to our estrangement from God. For Christians, Jesus is the solution to that estrangement.”
Slide 5: “If the moral law is just a side effect of evolution, then there is no such thing as good or evil. It’s all an illusion. We’ve been hoodwinked. Are any of us, especially the strong atheists, really prepared to live our lives within that worldview?”
Why should Dr. Collins’s beliefs be of concern?
There is an epidemic of scientific ignorance in the United States. This isn’t surprising, as very few scientific truths are self-evident, and many are counterintuitive. It is by no means obvious that empty space has structure or that we share a common ancestor with both the housefly and the banana. It can be difficult to think like a scientist. But few things make thinking like a scientist more difficult than religion.
Dr. Collins has written that science makes belief in God “intensely plausible” — the Big Bang, the fine-tuning of nature’s constants, the emergence of complex life, the effectiveness of mathematics, all suggest the existence of a “loving, logical and consistent” God.
But when challenged with alternative accounts of these phenomena — or with evidence that suggests that God might be unloving, illogical, inconsistent or, indeed, absent — Dr. Collins will say that God stands outside of Nature, and thus science cannot address the question of his existence at all.
Similarly, Dr. Collins insists that our moral intuitions attest to God’s existence, to his perfectly moral character and to his desire to have fellowship with every member of our species. But when our moral intuitions recoil at the casual destruction of innocents by, say, a tidal wave or earthquake, Dr. Collins assures us that our time-bound notions of good and evil can’t be trusted and that God’s will is a mystery.
Most scientists who study the human mind are convinced that minds are the products of brains, and brains are the products of evolution. Dr. Collins takes a different approach: he insists that at some moment in the development of our species God inserted crucial components — including an immortal soul, free will, the moral law, spiritual hunger, genuine altruism, etc.
As someone who believes that our understanding of human nature can be derived from neuroscience, psychology, cognitive science and behavioral economics, among others, I am troubled by Dr. Collins’s line of thinking. I also believe it would seriously undercut fields like neuroscience and our growing understanding of the human mind. If we must look to religion to explain our moral sense, what should we make of the deficits of moral reasoning associated with conditions like frontal lobe syndrome and psychopathy? Are these disorders best addressed by theology?
Dr. Collins has written that “science offers no answers to the most pressing questions of human existence” and that “the claims of atheistic materialism must be steadfastly resisted.”
One can only hope that these convictions will not affect his judgment at the institutes of health. After all, understanding human well-being at the level of the brain might very well offer some “answers to the most pressing questions of human existence” — questions like, Why do we suffer? Or, indeed, is it possible to love one’s neighbor as oneself? And wouldn’t any effort to explain human nature without reference to a soul, and to explain morality without reference to God, necessarily constitute “atheistic materialism”?
Francis Collins is an accomplished scientist and a man who is sincere in his beliefs. And that is precisely what makes me so uncomfortable about his nomination. Must we really entrust the future of biomedical research in the United States to a man who sincerely believes that a scientific understanding of human nature is impossible?

Francis Collins, Part 1 & ‘finding waldo’

Have you ever played the book game ‘finding waldo’? I thought I would share this brief article and see if anyone wants to post a comment sharing with us what they find ironic/problematic with this article that was the lead article in medicine’s premier journal-The New England Journal of Medicine. I will share what I found in a follow up post.

Opportunities and Challenges for the NIH — An Interview with Francis Collins
Robert Steinbrook, M.D.
Francis Collins, the physician and geneticist who was sworn in as the 16th director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in August 2009, anticipates scientific opportunities and budgetary challenges. Although the NIH received $10.4 billion in new funding under the American Recovery and ReinvestmentAct, the money must be spent by September 2010 and the institutes’budget has otherwise been relatively flat since 2003 (see graph).1 Fiscal year 2011 begins on October 1, 2010, and prospects are uncertain.

Collins, 59, has led the Human Genome Project and directed the National Human Genome Research Institute at NIH; his laboratory has identified many important genes. He also established the BioLogos Foundation, which addresses the interface between science and faith, and wrote a best-selling 2006 book, The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief. Some observers expressed concern that his personal religious beliefs would affect his judgments as NIH director.2 When he became director, Collins resigned from the foundation, ended his involvement in public discussions about science and faith, and provided reassurances that his agenda for the institutes is scientific, not religious.
(vol 361:1321-1323 October 1, 2009)

Global Media Outreach

The Great Commission ends Matthew’s Gospel with the call to reach the world with the Good News of Christ’s love for the world.  Never in history have we ever conceived of a time when we could reach EVERY person with this message….until NOW.  Global Media Outreach (a subsidiary of Campus Crusade for Christ) has developed a method to reach EVERY person with the Good News not just once but multiple times by 2020.
Their method: A myriad websites sharing the Good News message.  2 million people each day search the Internet for spiritual answers, and Global Media Outreach is there to help them answer their questions and tell them the Good News.
Their results are staggering:
16,000 people indicate they have prayed to receive Jesus as Savior and Lord or recommitted their lives to Him
3,000 people are requesting discipleship follow-up
Over 3 million have indicated that they prayed to receive Jesus as Savior or recommitted themselves to Him
669,443 have requested follow up
Your role:
You can sign up to be an online volunteer! I just did, and I received my first email from someone in the Czech Republic  who just recommitted his life to Christ.  You can interact via email with these new believers to help them on their new journey of faith with online resources and guidance.  It is AMAZING!
Giving:  For those who wish to give financially, here is how the money can impact–if you or your church gives 10,000$=100,000 people will hear the Gospel message; 15,000 people will make decisions to become Christians; 3,000 people will ask for follow-up=WOW!

First Importance Part 1: The Resurrection 1 Corinthians 15

Mike Erre at Rockharbor Church has been doing a series on 1 Corinthians.  I have attatched for your listening interest the 1st of his sermons concerning 1 Corinthians 15 which is a pivotal section of Scripture describing the importance of the Resurrection of Jesus.

Mike points out:

  • without the resurrection our faith is worthless
  • the word used in this passage and throughout the New Testament means trust in something that you know to be true
  • 1 Corinthians 15 is a creedal statement dated to approx 36 A.D. (only 3 years after Christ’s death)
  • there is substantial historical and testimonial evidence for the resurrection: crucifixion=death, empty tomb=skeptics need to ‘show me the body’, appearances=many and so convincing that cowards became martyrs, tranformed lives=Saul to Paul, doubting Thomas, and James the younger brother of Jesus…cumulative evidence–what event best explains all of this? A: The resurrection
  • gospel accounts: women first to see Him (only way women would be first witnesses would be that it really happened this way); non embelished, simple accounts (not enough time for legend & very real, down to earth accounts), etc…

Imagine: Using our Minds and Imaginations to Grow Closer to God Part 2

Enjoy sermon #6 in the Animate Series by Greg Boyd

Here is an excellent book that helps with prayer life and using imaginitive exercises to grow closer to God:

Animate Sermon Series by Boyd (This is the link to notes on the Series)

Celebration of Disciplines by Foster (This is an AMAZING book on spiritual disciplines.  It is filled with GREAT quotes from Christian disciples and with practical ways to grow deeper with Christ.  It is a How To on prayer, Bible study, fasting, etc.  Below is an excerpt from the book.)

mediation exercise: “The following is a brief exercise to aid you in “re-collection” that is simply called “palms down, palms up.” Begin by placing your palms down as a symbolic indication of your desire to turn over any concerns you may have to God. Inwardly you may pray, “Lord, I give to you my anger toward John. I release my fear of my dentist appointment this morning. I surrender my anxiety over not having enough money to pay the bills this month. I release my frustration over trying to find a baby-sitter for tonight.” Whatever it is that weighs on your mind or is a concern to you, just say, “palms down.” Release it. You may even feel a certain sense of release in your hands. After several moments of surrender, turn your palms up as a symbol of your desire to receive from the Lord. Perhaps you will pray silently: “Lord, I would like to receive your divine love for John, your peace about the dentist appointment, your patience, your joy.” Whatever you need, you say, “palms up.” Having centered down, spend the remaining moments in complete silence. Do not ask for anything. Allow the Lord to commune with you, to love you.”-Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster

Finally I end with a quote from Francisco whose devotion, passion, and focused imagery inspires and transforms our often lifeless faith.  Try starting your day with Jesus WAITING for YOU to take each day as a unique adventure!

“When I wake up every morning, Jesus is waiting for me.”-Francisco

Part 3: Do Christ & Christians show us God?

Join us in our 3rd of 5 part series titled: Show me God.  In this sermon, we discuss one of the ‘new’ atheists favorites–They claim that the world would be better off without Christians and religion in general…

Show Me God


Dr. Drew Lawson and Pastor Bucky Dennis



The God Who Shows Up

My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” John 17:20-21


Fact or Fiction:  Christianity is Bad.


Truth –We Have an Image Problem!

  • Judgmental

  • Hypocritical

  • Insensitive


What did Jesus say about these issues?

What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you are careful to tithe even the tiniest income from your herb gardens, but you ignore the more important aspects of the law—justice, mercy, and faith. You should tithe, yes, but do not neglect the more important things. 24 Blind guides! You strain your water so you won’t accidentally swallow a gnat, but you swallow a camel!  25 “What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you are so careful to clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are filthy—full of greed and self-indulgence! 26 You blind Pharisee! First wash the inside of the cup and the dish, and then the outside will become clean, too. 27 “What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs—beautiful on the outside but filled on the inside with dead people’s bones and all sorts of impurity. 28 Outwardly you look like righteous people, but inwardly your hearts are filled with hypocrisy and lawlessness.” Matthew 23:23-28



Dare – Will the Real Jesus Please Show Up!


In the Church

By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:35


In Me

You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.14“You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:13-16


What can I do about it?

  • Honesty: About my unchristian attitudes and actions

  • Authenticity: Pursue the Path of genuine transformation

  • Compassion: Serving others with humility and love


Will the Real Church Please Show Up!

Part 5: Can the resurrection show us God?

This is the 5th of 5 lectures/sermons in the Show me God series.  This was taught by Bucky on Easter Sunday.  It points out the importance and power of the resurrection.  As Paul said, “If Christ hasn’t come back to life, our message has no meaning and your faith also has no meaning.” (1Co 15:14 GW)

In the beginning was the Word…

John wrote these profound words to start his gospel.  Do words have power? Do words have more importance than we realize?  John was clearly stating to his audience that Jesus was God and that He was the Word which in Greek is logos (where we get the word logic in English).

I have come across something very interesting and if true, very powerful.  If this is true and accurate, it implies that the very fabric of the universe is ‘powered’ by the Word.

There is a man who has played music and taped words written on paper to glasses of water and then photographed the water molecules (scroll down on this website to read an interview of him).  The water molecules seem to change after being ‘spoken’ to.  What is the skeptics response to this? Please share with us if you have any thoughts.

“After seeing water react to different environmental conditions, pollution and music, Mr. Emoto and colleagues decided to see how thoughts and words affected the formation of untreated, distilled, water crystals, using words typed onto paper by a word processor and taped on glass bottles overnight. The same procedure was performed using the names of deceased persons. The waters were then frozen and photographed.”

Before and After Prayer

Love'you make me sick'

The image on the left is from the word: LOVE on the water glass.  The image on the right is from the words: ‘you make me sick’ on the water glass….hmmm……